If you are a resident with an account then login above with the user name or email address and your password.  If you’re not sure if you already have an account don’t register, instead click Forgot Your Password? on the login page and enter your email address. If there is no account with that email you will be informed, and you can click Register to sign up. If your account is found then you can use the instructions in the email sent you to reset the password, or ignore it to keep the current password and return to the login screen to login in.
Lakeridge is a residential 55+ community located on Pipers Glen Boulevard across from the Westchester Country Club, with Boynton Beach’s best shopping & dining nearby. The neighborhood offers a superior life style complemented by exceptional sub-tropical weather year round.
The City of Boynton Beach is home to the Boynton Town Center and Renaissance Commons, as well as the Boynton Beach Mall.
Home-owners enjoy numerous amenities, including a modern clubhouse, a resort-style community pool, tennis courts, fitness center, men’s and women’s saunas, pickleball court, bocce court, pool table, and library.
Wakodahatchee Wetlands is only 1½ miles from Lakeridge and Green Cay Wetlands is 3¾ miles. Both boast boardwalks to enhance your walking experience and the bird watching is exceptional.